Fairfax County Public Schools Enrollment Numbers Continue to Fall

Fairfax County Public Schools has released the latest enrollment numbers for November 2020. The data shows that families continue to abandon the school system. Net enrollments are down over 420 students.

FCPS Net Enrollment Numbers for November 2020.JPG

Some quick takeaways:

  1. Net enrollments have declined every month since school began in August.

  2. Every grade has seen a net decline from September (except 9th grade).

  3. Elementary schools continue to face the largest exodus.

  4. Pre-school enrollments have increased. Does this align with the less privileged being hit hardest by COVID restrictions?

  5. Current system enrollment is 179,727, which is 10,125 fewer students than were enrolled at the end of the 2019-20 school year. That’s the equivalent of closing 5 high schools.


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